Resignation Letter

How to Write a Resignation Letter 

You may feel as though writing a letter of resignation is simply one more barrier in the way of your professional advancement. But just as with every part of resignation, it’s crucial to have a professional demeanour. Even if your employer doesn’t request it directly, submitting a resignation letter might help you leave your career on a good note.

The trick is to maintain your composure. Don’t state your complaints in your resignation letter. You could wish to return to the firm at some point, or you might work with your present employer again in the future.

You could at the very least require a reference from your workplace. As a result, be polite and cheery in your letter.

Another recommended practise is to write the letter’s core themes in preparation, then fine-tune the phrasing after speaking with your boss to reflect the key points of your interaction.

What Is a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter informs your employer that you are quitting your position. It can be delivered through email or as a printed letter and formally announces your resignation from your current position.

The letter acts as formal notice of your resignation and outlines the specifics of your exit from the company, including the date on which your employment will cease.

What should be in your resignation letter?

There is no need for your resignation letter to be lengthy or detailed, but there should be certain common components.

  • In order to keep a record of how much official notice you have given the firm, date your letter.
  • Write the letter to the proper party.
  • Keep the initial sentence about your resignation intention succinct and to the point.
  • Mention the day you left the firm, if you know it.
  • Sign your letter, then provide your personal and forwarding contact details in case there are any issues or need to communicate after you travel.

Make a support offer.

In your letter of resignation, be sure to state your willingness to help with hiring your replacement and preparing your team for your departure. Inform them that you will try to finish their current responsibilities before you depart and supply them with vital information, such as contact information or dates when regular chores must be performed, in writing. (To understand how to accomplish this, look at the example resignation letter that follows this piece.)

You should thank them in writing.

Even if you might not have always had pleasant experiences in your present employment, it’s probable that your company spent time and money educating you for the job. Because of this, it’s polite to express gratitude to your boss for the chances you’ve been given.

No job is easy all the time, so it might be helpful to reflect on some of the finest experiences you had working there while writing your thank-you. All of this is necessary to write your resignation letter professionally and make a positive impression.

What not to do?

Your resignation letter will probably be stored alongside other employee records by your employer, and it could be needed in the future if a different employer asks for your professional references. Given this, a badly written or too critical resignation letter may have an effect on your career after you’ve left your present position. Some subjects to avoid include:

  • Don’t give a reason for leaving.
  • Don’t complain about the negative aspects of your employment, your coworkers, or the business.
  • Don’t boast about your upcoming plans.
  • Sending a poorly edited letter is not advisable.
  • Keep it simple and limited to one page.

example of resignation Letter

(Current date)

Manager’s name

Business Name


Dear (name of manager),

Accept this letter as official notice that I’ve resigned from (company name). My employment with the organisation will end on (date).

I’ll make sure that all of my projects are finished to the best of my ability before I go. To enable a seamless transition to my replacement, I am delighted to help in any manner.

I’d want to express my gratitude for the chance to work at (business) (years of service). During this period, I have liked working with the team, and I shall miss our conversations.

Even though I am thrilled about the new prospects I will be exploring, I will always have fond memories of my time at (business name). After I depart, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you need more details, and I would love it if you did.

Best regards

(You sign off)

(Your name and contact details in printed form)

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