What Is Amazon Web Services (AWS) Complete Guide

What Is Amazon Web Services (AWS) Complete Guide

Amazon Web Services is the most popular cloud service on the market. It gives developers access to over 170 AWS services, which they can use from everywhere all the time.

AWS has over 190 nations as clients, including 5000 educational institutions and 2000 government agencies. AWS is used by many firms, including ESPN, Adobe, Twitter, Netflix, Facebook, and the BBC.

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a web-based platform that offers scalable and cost-effective cloud computing services.

AWS is a commonly used cloud platform that provides on-demand services including computing power, database storage, and content distribution to help organisations grow and prosper.

What is Cloud Computing?

The supply of internet services (such as servers, databases, and software) to users is known as cloud computing. Cloud computing eliminates the need for data storage on local computers. It enables you to have access to data stored on a distant server. It may also be used to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the planet.

Applications of AWS:

Businesses may use AWS to create a variety of complex apps. Every potential use case may be executed on AWS by organisations of all sizes and industries. The following are some of the most frequent AWS applications:

1. Storage and Backup:

One of the reasons why many organisations utilise AWS is that it provides a variety of storage options and is also very easy to use. It may be used for file indexing and storing, as well as running mission-critical business applications.

2. Websites:

Businesses, like other online apps, may host their websites on the AWS cloud.

3. Gaming:

Gaming applications necessitate a large amount of processing power. AWS makes it easy to serve players all across the world with the finest online gaming experience possible.

4. Social, mobile, and web applications:

AWS stands out from other cloud platforms because of its ability to develop and deploy smartphone, e-commerce, and Apps. Companies may develop uncompromisingly scalable apps on AWS using API-driven programming, which does not require any OS or other platforms.

AWS Services:

What Is Amazon Web Services (AWS) Complete Guide

For cloud applications, Amazon offers a variety of services. Let’s take a look at a few of the AWS ecosystem most important services, as well as a quick overview of how programmers use them in their work.

Amazon offers a variety of services, including:

  • Storage
  • Database
  • Compute service
  • Developer tools
  • Management tools
  • Networking and delivery of content
  • Security tools

Companies using AWS:

Whether they are technical giants, entrepreneurs, government, food manufacturers, or retail organisations, many companies across the world utilise AWS to design, deploy, and host applications. According to Amazon, there are over one million active AWS users. The following is a list of firms that use AWS:

  • Netflix
  • Intuit
  • Coinbase
  • Finra
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Capital One
  • Adobe
  • Airbnb
  • AOL
  • Hitachi

The Benefits of AWS Services:

AWS services have the advantage of allowing businesses to enter new markets with minimal upfront costs.

Some of the advantages of using AWS services are as follows:

1. Safety and security:

Data stored in a public cloud is commonly misunderstood to be unsecure. AWS, on the other side, offers security features at a lesser cost than other solutions while also was among the most secured, comprehensive, and stable cloud platforms accessible.

2. Availability All Over the World:

AWS has 80 Availability Areas distributed out over 25 data centres in 25 different countries.

3. Flexibility and scalability:

AWS provides on-demand scalability and flexibility. This allows businesses to plan their infrastructure future on a subscription basis rather than committing to a full investment.

4. Low-cost investment:

Companies may save money by using AWS cloud services instead of purchasing additional software and hardware. There is no need for tangible data, resulting in decreased running expenses.

Let’s have a look at the AWS services now that we understand what AWS is, what its advantages are, and how that might be used.

Compute Service:

These services aid developers in the development, deployment, and scaling of cloud-based applications.

AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):

It’s a web service that lets developers rent virtual machines and adjusts the computing power automatically as needed.

It provides developers with a variety of instance types from which to pick the resources they need, such as CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity, based on their application needs.

AWS Lambda:

It’s a computing service that doesn’t require a server. It is also in charge of running application code.

It allows you to run an application without having to worry about managing servers.


For data preservation, AWS offers an online data storage service. Its main benefit is disaster data recovery with long-term durability.

Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service):

It’s an open-source cloud-based storage solution for online data backup.

Amazon S3 is a web services interface that provides storage for developers. It is aimed to make web-scale computing simpler for them.

Amazon EBS:

  • It provides a large storage capacity with good availability for persistent data. Amazon EC2 instances are the ones who utilise it the most.
  • EBS volumes are used for main storage, such as storing files, database storage, and block-level storage, specifically.


The AWS database domain service provides cloud-based database instances that are cost-effective, highly secure, and scalable.


  • It is a scalable, versatile NoSQL database service that provides quick and consistent performance.
  • It’s a multi-region, long-lasting database with built-in security, backup, and restoration capabilities.


It’s a cloud-based managed distribution relational database service that makes it easy for developers to manage and grow databases.

We created it to make the process of setting up, operating, and growing a relational database easier for developers.

Content Distribution and Networking:

It is a highly secure cloud platform and provides a high-speed connection between your physical network and your private VN.


It enables a developer to deploy Aws services into a private virtual cloud, such as Amazon EC2 instances.

It allows you comprehensive control over your cloud network environment, such as IP address range sections, subnets, route table setup, and network gateways.

Developers may use both IPv4 and IPv6 for your resources in a very secure environment using this.

Route 53:

It’s a web service with a high-availability Domain Name System (DNS) that aids users in routing software by converting text to an IP address.

We made it available to developers as a cost-effective way to route end users to cloud apps.

Compliance, Security, and Identity:

By granting limited access to certain individuals, it aids in the monitoring of a secure environment for your AWS resources.


Identity Access Administration is a framework for securing access to Amazon Web Services (AWS) services.

The service allows you Secure access to AWS services that operate on the AWS EC2 application, as well as Shared access to your AWS account.


It allows users to produce and maintain encryption keys for use in encrypting data.

The service contains a key generation technique that makes it easy to sign digitally within your apps.

Management Tools:

Individuals may use this service to save expenses, reduce risks, and automate all of the resources operating on the AWS infrastructure.

Cloud Watch:

It’s a monitoring tool for Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources and client applications that operate on the platform.

From a single interface, the service allows you to collect and view all of your operative data in the form of logs.


We explored what cloud computing is, what AWS is and its history, and we went over all of the AWS services in depth in this introduction lesson “what is AWS.”

Enrolling in our Cloud Architect programme will assist individuals of all levels of expertise grasp AWS Cloud Architect techniques and tactics, whether you’re an experienced AWS Architect or hoping to get into this fascinating field.

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